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Knowledge is Power

Illustration and design to translate complex medical and scientific data into comprehensible visuals. 

Brochure showing a published research article with medical illustrations of a breast surgery procedure
Research Graphics

I am here to help with

I condense complicated science into beautiful, accurate visuals.

scientific illustration graphite drawing dog veterinary science

Taken from: Maastricht Institute of Arts Video by Daniel van Hauten

- Hello - 
ava krueger holds a human skull and draws on an easel looking up

My name is Ava and I create illustrations and designs in order to communicate science and medicine. I hold a Bachelor's degree in BioHealth Sciences (Pre-Med) from Oregon State University and a Master's degree in Scientific Illustration from Zuyd University. As a professional member of the AMI (Association of Medical Illustrators), I stay up-to-date with the latest designs and knowledge necessary for a medical illustrator. 


I cater to various markets whether that is: 

Education (patient education, research, anatomy and physiology)

Advertising (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical devices)

Medical-legal (medical malpractice, injuries, legal exhibits)

Surgery (cardiology, neurology, oncology)

Veterinary (Zoology, Entomology, Ornithology) 

As medical illustrators, we are trained to be able to illustrate many aspects of medicine. If you have the science, we have the visual solution!


This can be friendly, clear illustrations of a procedure to empower a patient, detailed anatomical plates to teach students, or eye-catching visuals to bring public awareness to a subject.


While I am located in the United States, I can provide work remotely for you no matter where you are located. We can communicate through email, video calls, and navigating time differences.


Since I could hold a pencil, I have loved to draw and convey the world around me on paper. Now I combine my greatest passions in life as I am able to travel, constantly deep dive into new scientific subjects, and create art.



Zuyd Hogeschool | Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Master of Arts-MA, Scientific Illustration

Sep 2020-Jun 2022


Oregon State University:

Bachelor of Science-BS, Human Biology (major) 

Studio Art, Chemistry, and Spanish Language (minors)

Sep 2017-Jun 2020


Portland State University:

Bachelor of Science-BS (completed first year studies)

Human Biology & Spanish Language

Sep 2016-Jun 2017


What Clients Say

"We can’t be anything but positive about miss Krueger’s work. She is talented, quick, professional and understands the assignments. You can absolutely count on her to deliver qualitative work."
Jamilla Wederfoort, MD, Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand surgery

Jamilla Wederfoort, MD,
Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand surgery

Successful Collaborations

leiden university logo
GHU Paris psychiatrie and neuroscinces
Weill Cornell Medicine logo
maastricht umc logo
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